Published: 12 October 2023

This report highlights the various ways medical research charities partner with others, within and beyond the charity sector, across all stages and types of research, to deliver on their mission. View the report below (please make sure you've accepted cookies - manage your options at the bottom of this page) or download a PDF copy

Data sources:

75%: Percentage of AMRC members that have awarded at least one grant which has been co-funded with another organisation. This percentage includes AMRC members, both past and present, since 2018.

>1800: The number of grants awarded by AMRC members since 2018 that have been co-funded with another organisation. This number represents 12% of the total number of grants awarded during this time.

1 in 8:  Proportion of AMRC grants active in 2022 that were co-funded with other organisation(s). Co-funding organisations were categorised by type and the top 5 most common types are displayed with the relative percentage of co-funded awards. Public bodies include UKRI, NIHR and other UK and non-UK governmental and public bodies. Private sector includes private companies and industry. Non-member charities include any charitable organisation that is not a member of the AMRC. Organisation types with lower percentages that are not shown include NHS/hospitals and Other or unknown. Grants co-funded with organisations in multiple sectors (18%) were not included in the percentages shown.

78: The number of AMRC members that have been involved with a James Lind Alliance (JLA) Priority Setting Partnership (PSP). The number includes AMRC members, past and present since 2006. Information on JLA PSPs can be found on the JLA website.

27: The number of AMRC members that have jointly funded fellowships with either the Medical Research Council (MRC) or National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). A list of charities jointly funding with the MRC can be found on their website.